Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist Matt Richtel wows a crowd of 150 clinicians, nurses, social workers, and community leaders.

Matt Richtel, a Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times reporter, shared information around the mental health crisis among U.S. teens, which he covered extensively in a 2022 New York Times series, The Inner Pandemic. He shared information around the rise of the mental health crisis, including underlying neurobiological, sociological and technological factors. Mr. Richtel also addressed some of the possible solutions to the challenges facing this generation and the challenges facing the nation’s infrastructure as it seeks to confront mental health risks and provide essential tools to ailing children and teens.

A beautiful welcome awaited our guest speaker and attendees.

Central Clinic Behavioral Health staff getting ready for the event. Left to right: Bob Scott, Kim Mages, Ph.D., Shelley Batch, Barb Namett, Lisa Steffen, and Barbara Bergan.

Attendees: Susan Shelton, Mindpeace; Victoria Ackman, Lighthouse Youth Services; Evelyn Sears, Hamilton County Mental Health Board

Kate Schroder, CEO for Interact for Health, left, served as the session moderator and fielded questions for Matt Richtel, the guest speaker.

Trish Smitson welcomes everyone to the Dr. Walter S. Smitson Guest Lecture Series.

Matt Richtel, Pulitzer Prize-Winning journalist wows a crowd of 150 clinicians, nurses, social workers, and community leaders.

Matt Richtel shares information around iGen adolescents as the interpreter communicates with people who are hearing impaired.

Kate Schroder, CEO of Interact for Health fields questions for guest lecturer, Matt Richtel.

Matt Richtel sharing additional information around teens and depression.

Dr. Walter S. Smitson, President & CEO of Central Clinic Behavioral Health is applauded at his success and tenure (55 years).

Post-session discussions: Background left is Dr. Maria Piombo conferring with a guest. Foreground is Matt Richtel with board member, Ron Hitzler and his wife, Sandy.