Because of you, Central Clinic Behavioral Health remains viable, relevant, and innovative. Our personnel meet the needs of thousands of adults, families, and children yearly because of your generous philanthropy – thank you. Each autumn, I am reminded of just how generous our community is and how we benefit from this.
Did you know greater Cincinnati is facing a “growing mental health crisis, especially among our youth where one in five people experience mental illness and one in seven experience a substance use disorder?” (Source: Interact for Health.) Add to these the social and racial inequities for people of color, low-income families, and the LGBTQ+ population – all of whom experience challenges. This is where Central Clinic Behavioral Health steps in to provide innovative, sound, and trauma-informed care for our community.

This is our one time a year that we reach out to the community to help fund our mission to: provide choices and options through a compassionate approach to behavioral health services that results in lasting recovery and resiliency for children, families, and adults.
As you think about your year-end charitable giving, I would appreciate your consideration of an investment in the adults, children, and families that we serve every day at Central Clinic Behavioral Health. All of us remain steadfast in providing the right service at the right time.
I know you have charitable choices to make. Please consider a generous tax-deductible* gift so that we can continue to help more adults, children, and their families.
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

Walter S. Smitson, PhD.
President & CEO
*Please seek the advice of your financial planner or accountant to determine tax deductibility.