Client artwork dazzles everyone

Client artwork dazzles everyone

The Adult Services division is pleased to announce the integration of art therapy into their behavioral therapy process. Staff utilize myriad art media so clients can create works of art that allow him/her to explore feelings, reconcile emotional conflicts, and manage their behavior.

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Meet Jack

The Court Clinic provides oversight and management of the various mental health courts in Hamilton County (Municipal, Felony, Veterans), working closely with the Courts and community partners involved with those specialized court dockets. We want to share a story about a Felony Mental Health Court client.

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The Young Child Institute made a big different in Allison’s life

In January 2016, Allison, a 4- year old Hispanic girl with long brown hair pulled up in a braid and dressed in pink, came to the Young Child Institute with her young mother who was in search of help for Allison’s challenging behaviors.

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Message from our President/CEO

Central Clinic Behavioral Health celebrated its 95-year anniversary on April 24, 2018. The luncheon event was held at the Netherland Hilton Hall of Mirrors and was attended by approximately 350 people. We appreciated the true expressions of philanthropy as we received donations of over of $110,000. The Keynote speaker was University of Cincinnati President Neville Pinto. Ms. Dena Cranley, wife of Mayor John Cranley, was our honoree.

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Substance Use/Abuse

NPR Affiliate Radio Ad in Support of 2018
Mental Health Awareness Month | Substance Use/Abuse

National Prevention Week – May 13 – 20, 2018

NPR Affiliate Radio Ad in Support of 2018
Mental Health Awareness Month | National Prevention Week – May 13 – 20, 2018

National Children’s Mental Health Day – May 10, 2018

NPR Affiliate Radio Ad in Support of 2018
Mental Health Awareness Month | National Children’s Mental Health Day – May 10, 2018

Mental Health Access Point (MHAP)

NPR Affiliate Radio Ad in Support of 2018
Mental Health Awareness Month | Mental Health Access Point (MHAP)

Mental Health Awareness Information

NPR Affiliate Radio Ad in Support of 2018
Mental Health Awareness Month | Mental Health Awareness Information

Court Clinic

NPR Affiliate Radio Ad in Support of 2018
Mental Health Awareness Month | Court Clinic